
Metoidioplasty is a surgical procedure allowing to masculinize the genitals.

The surgeon consults with each of his patients individually to determine the best surgical technique to use according to their needs, current anatomy of their genitals, and desired results.

Several needs and desires may guide you in your choice to undergo metoidioplasty.

To meet the needs and expectations of our clientele, GrS Montréal performs different metoidioplasty techniques. However, each of these techniques generally consists of: 

  • The creation of a penis through the lengthening of the clitoris (metoidioplasty);
  • The possibility of lengthening the urethra (neourethra);
  • The possibility of closing the vaginal cavity (vaginectomy). *A  hysterectomy including removal of the cervix must be performed at least 6 months before a vaginectomy;
  • The creation of a single scrotum (scrotoplasty and the insertion of testicular implants) or a bifid scrotum (insertion of the testicular implants into the labia majora of the vulva).

All of the techniques performed by the GrS Montréal team allow for optimal esthetic results since the surgeons will build your male genitalia using existing genital tissue.

Important note - Light bulb iconDue  to multiple factors that are unique to each individual, aesthetic and functional results vary from patient to patient. Be assured that GrS Montréal team works with each patient individually to achieve the best results possible. To optimize the results of your surgery, your surgical team asks the following from you::

  • healthy weight without excessive accumulation of fat in the pubic area;
  • an intact genital skin: genital skin with a significant degree of laxity cannot be used during the procedure;
  • a hypertrophy of the clitoris.


For more information, download the document:


 The various surgical techniques

Metoidioplasty WITHOUT lengthening of the urethra 

Expected and desired results:

  • A masculine appearance of the genitals by lengthening the clitoris, which forms the penis;
  • An erogenous, erectile organ, with the possibility of sexual pleasure.

Limits of the surgical technique:

  • Does not allow for urination while standing since the urethra remains in its current location;
  • Does not allow for sexual relations with penetration with the penis.

Metoidioplasty WITH lengthening of the urethra 

Expected and desired results:

  • A masculine appearance of the genitals thanks to:
    • lengthening of the clitoris, which forms the penis;
    • lengthening of the urethra to the tip of the penis;
    • a scrotum with a more natural appearance for a metoidioplasty with scrotoplasty, otherwise a scrotum with a bifid appearance for a metoidioplasty without scrotoplasty.
  • Ability to urinate standing up;
  • An erogenous, erectile organ, with the possibility of sexual pleasure.

 Limits of the surgical technique: 

  • Does not allow for sexual relations with penetration with the penis.
  • The length of the penis will not allow urination through the zipper or the use of public urinals.
  • Note that due to the high risk of complications such as vaginal entrance stenosis and urinary fistula, urethral lengthening is not an option when preserving the vaginal cavity.


Metoidioplasty without vaginectomy, with or without insertion of testicular implants

Metoidioplasty With vaginectomy, With or without insertion of testicular implants

Metoidioplasty with neo-urethra and With vaginectomy, With or without insertion of testicular implants

Average length of the procedure

1 hour

2 hours

2,5 hours

Admission to the CMC

The day of the procedure

The day of the procedure

The day of the procedure


Regional or general

Regional or general

Regional or general


1 night postoperatively

2 nights postoperatively

2 night2 postoperatively

Convalescence at Asclépiade


6 nights

6 nights

Average length of convalescence at home

4 weeks

6 weeks

6 weeks


Postoperative care:

The document available below contains your surgeon’s instructions and will serve as a guide.

Download the document Information and Postoperative Care – MetaiodoplastyDownload the document Information and Postoperative Care – Metoidioplasty.