Frequently asked questions

Female to Male FAQ | Insertion of penile implant

  1. Can I choose the length of my penile implant before having surgery to insert it?
  2. After the insertion of my penile implant, will I be able to have sexual relations with penetration?
  3. What is the lifespan of the testicular and penile implants?

  • 1. Can I choose the length of my penile implant before having surgery to insert it?

    The penile implant is available in different lengths, but will be chosen by your surgeon in the operating room according to the length of your phallus.

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  • 2. After the insertion of my penile implant, will I be able to have sexual relations with penetration?

    Yes, you can have sexual relations with penetration about 6 weeks after surgery as you will have satisfactory rigidity of the phallus. It is important to note that the penis will not grow in length and will not rise as much during an erection as in biological men.

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  • 3. What is the lifespan of the testicular and penile implants?

    The implant can be left in place as long as no complications arise. If you do have a problem, it will be important to contact your surgeon.

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