Facial feminization

Gender-affirming facial surgery is a set of highly specialized surgical procedures designed to achieve facial features in accordance with the gender to which a person identifies.

At GrS Montreal, we offer a range of surgeries designed to soften the face and neck to achieve more typically feminine facial features. These surgeries are commonly referred to as FFS (Facial Feminization Surgery).


Our team of experienced plastic and maxillofacial surgeons have an in-depth understanding of the anatomical differences between gendered bodies and how these differences translate into facial features perceived as masculine or feminine. For example, people assigned male at birth tend to have less prominent cheekbones, a square chin and jawline, and a more pronounced brow bone. Conversely, people assigned female at birth tend to have softer, rounder facial contours, higher cheekbones and a less prominent brow bone.

Possible results:

  • A smoother forehead contour
  • A rounder jawline
  • A narrower nose with a finer, higher nasal tip
  • Little to no visible Adam's apple


 In most of the proposed surgeries, incisions are made in discreet areas (in the hairline if possible for forehead surgeries, or in the mouth for mandibular surgeries), to limit the appearance of scars. 

Surgeries offered :

It is possible to combine a number of procedures in a single surgery. We recommend that you discuss your desired surgeries during your consultation with our team.

1. Forehead surgeries

Forehead surgery is a key element when it comes to softening facial features, and aims to modify the masculine characteristics of the upper face, such as the size and curvature of the forehead and prominent brow line.

  • Reshaping the forehead: reshape the frontal bone to give it a gentle curve and soften or remove the temporal ridges.
  • Frontal sinus receding: reposition or reduce the frontal sinus to soften the middle of the forehead.
  • Brow line reduction: trim the frontal bone to reshape or reduce the protrusion of the eyebrow ridge.
  • Orbital widening: widening the bone cavities to give a wider, more open appearance around the eyes.

2. Mandibular surgeries

The mandible is the lower jaw. Interventions on the mandible can modify the angles to give it a smoother contour.

  • Mandibular angle resection: reshaping the angle between the lower jawline and the vertical section leading up to the ear, to give it a more rounded appearance.
  • Genioplasty: reduce the height of the chin or reshape it to give it a softer contour.
  • Reduction of the V-line: reshape the entire lower mandibular line to refine the lower part of the face.

3. Rhinoplasty 

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to modify the shape of the nose. When performed as part of gender-affirming facial surgery, rhinoplasty aims to achieve a nose that better matches the patient's desired facial features and gender identity. Several procedures are possible:

  • Reduction of the dorsal hump: reduction of a prominent bridge on the nose for a smoother profile.
  • Tip refinement: sculpting the tip of the nose to make it finer or more defined.
  • Modification of nostril width: narrow the nostrils if they are deemed too wide.
  • Bridge width adjustment: change the width of the nose bridge to bring it more into line with other facial features.
  • Change the angle between the nose and the upper lip.

 4. Tracheal shave

Also known as chondrolaryngoplasty, this procedure aims to reduce the size of the Adam's apple to make it less noticeable.

5. Lip lift 

This surgical procedure raises the upper lip to make it more pronounced. The scar is generally barely visible, as the incision is made at the base of the nose.

6. Malar implants

Cheek implants are used to enhance the appearance of the cheeks and add volume. The result is fuller, higher cheekbones. 

Download information booklets for more details: 

Gender affirming facial surgery, Booklet Part  A 

Gender affirming facial surgery, Booklet Part  B

Gender affirming facial surgery, Booklet Part  C 


Average length of the surgery




Mandibular angle resection

2 hours

None - Outpatient surgery


4 to 6 weeks

V-line reduction

3.5 hours

None - Outpatient surgery


4 to 6 weeks


1.5 hours

None - Outpatient surgery


4 to 6 weeks

Forehead surgeries

2.5 to 3.5 hours

1 night


4 to 6 weeks

Lip lift

45 min

None - Outpatient surgery


10 days

Malar implants

2.25 hours

None - Outpatient surgery

Sedation or general

4 to 6 weeks


1.5 to 2.5 hours

None - Outpatient surgery


10 days


1 hour

None - Outpatient surgery


10 days

* Due to multiple factors that are unique to each individual, results may vary from one person to another. Be assured that our surgical team works with each patient individually to achieve the best results possible.